
How To Filter Listbox By Combobox Excel

How To Filter A List Box Through Using A Combobox?


I'm not very skilful in excel VBA.. I have this state of affairs...

A list box filled with values from a worksheet range (this range is not fixed, it changes if a new record added to the canvas, or may be deleted)

I want to add together a combobox that filter this list box.. If the user alter his selection in the combobox, the list box should automatically fit the combobox criteria..

I tin can explain information technology every bit a query!


SELECT, Employee.proper noun, Employee.form, Employee.section, FROM Employee, Sections WHERE Employee.section = Sections.section            

(Where the Employee is the list box and the Sections is the combobox)

Hope you go the signal..


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This is a very bones question, but i have been struggling for hours, so I must enquire.

I I trying to merely fill up a combobox on a userform from a named range on a sheet, I want to populate the combobox equally soon as the userform starts. (I launch the userform from a button on the sheet) Where must I place the code? and will this code piece of work?

Sub Button1_Click() Set up UserForm1.combobox1.List = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("MyRange") UserForm1.Show Cease Sub            

I am very new to vba, so please alibi my ignorance,
whatsoever aid would be greatly appreciated


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=((TODAY()-B4)/365)&" YEARS"

This function gives me a number with many decimal places.

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=ROUNDDOWN((TODAY()-B4)/365),0)&" YEARS"

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Hi everyone....this is my beginning mail here ....and non my last I believe!

My question I believe is hands solvable for you cracks of excel.
I have a worksheet with a list of rows (particular#, date, price, etc). In the concluding column of this list I can put an ten for some of the items.
On another worksheet or canvass, I need to autoamtically have a list of the items in the first list above, that have an X in the last columns.
I created an example on a worksheet attached merely for you to empathise.
I apreciate all the help I tin get.
Thank you so much.

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[Code]ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$DC$5000").AutoFilter Field:=i, Criteria1:="GI255"
'Subsequently filtering I desire to alter the value in cavalcade Y for only the filtered entries Lawmaking]

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questions which have 5 possible responses: Fantabulous - Very Good - Practiced -
Fair - Poor. We want to assign a value to each, 5 for Excellent, four for Very
Adept and so on, so that when a response is selected from a drib-down, it's
value appears in a separate cell (and so that nosotros can calculate a total and
average score from the selections).

Thank you

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I am looking for the lawmaking to select the visible data later applying a data filter. Really I know how to select the data after applying the data filter but the issue is I am non able to exclude the header row and requite the target range as used (non-bare) rows only!!

I am using below code to Select the Visible rows in the target range:



Problems in this code a

ane) later applying the filter, while selecting the data it is selecting all the rows in given range till last row on the workbook. I need this to select the the data only till the final used row in the given range.

2) Information technology is not possible to provide the address of the start row later we employ the filter since the outset row address may modify depending on the values in the tabular array.

E.g. 1st fourth dimension when I am running the macro the commencement row in the visible filtered information is starting at Cell accost A4 and adjacent time when I will run the macro it may be A6

3) The Code is also selecting the 1st row which is a header row. How can we exclude information technology from choice.

Some one please revert with the solution.
Cheers in advance.

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How do I get the colors to modify automatically when I use a drop down list.
Per say here is what I am trying to do

If a certain "word" is used from the drop downwards list I want the background of
that jail cell to change its color to "green." And if later I change the "word" to
some other from the driblet down list, it will change it's color to a specified

The drop downwards list that I employ was created from cells that accept the colors
already in the "word", merely I do non know how to make the list show the colors
then it puts the word & color automatically in the drop down list to the cell
with the driblet down (if that makes whatever sense).

If at that place is a way, delight spell it out uncomplicated enough for me to empathise,
as I don't know fully the capabilities of formulas or vba.

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I have a long list of item descriptions that I need to filter downward to descriptions containing words like "valve" or "ring" or "root" or "ballsy" (17 key words in all). The bones custom filter looks like it simply lets me filter for 2 words.

I have some feel working with advanced filter for things similar >100 just that's about it. Any assistance with this would be so appreciated.

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I found this solution for "drop down list with hyperlink" but it did not work.

Perhaps a better solution is to use a workaround that relies on the HYPERLINK part to refer to whatever is selected in the drop-downwardly listing. For instance, if you have your data validation drop-down list in cell A1, then you might put the post-obit formula in cell B1:

=HYPERLINK(A1, "Goto Link")

The solution straight above provides exactly what I am looking for
in the field where I write the formula, simply it fails to hyperlink.
I have created a drop down list and linked each i of them to a
specific worksheet. When I select them individually they link to
appropriate worksheet. But when I select them in the drop downwardly
listing I receive the following error when I select the Hyperlink in
cell B1 as directed above.

"Cannot open the specified file"

Any thoughts?


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Hello all -

Im very familiar with how to write a macro to automatically autofilter a list based upon a Prison cell Value (i.due east. Range =(A1)...etc.).... but what I cannot figure out how to correctly write is a way to have Excel automatically autofilter a list for any row that CONTAINS the Cell Value, instead of just the exact value.

Cell Value = "birds"
Instance -- I demand to filter every row so that I see every row that CONTAINS "birds" in the character-cord, non only the row that = "birds".

a) is this possible?

If not, I'd similar to know also so I tin terminate attempting to judge (-;
Thank you!!!


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I want to protect a cell that I have a drib downwards list in, but I even so want the drop down list to piece of work.

When I try to protect it, the user is not able to use the drop downward list to select other items. I didn't come across an choice on the protect canvass surface area.

Cheers for any assistance.


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I would like a formula that would list all the items in row B that match the criteria in row A. the start prison cell with formula would list the first particular, the second cell with the formula would list the next item, and so forth. Also, column B might have a duplicates that should be listed. Is this possible? I cannot manipulate the social club of the original items (ie, filters) because this data is being used to derive other formulas.

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Imagine a whole box of lengths of aluminium sections for making windows.

To brand those windows I need to cut these lengths into smaller sizes.

I need to do this economically.

How tin can I use Excel to help me make this a reality.

Firstly you would accept a big size out of it and and so another size out of the offcut piece.

And and then some other size out of the offcut left over.

I need to know how many full stock lengths (6500) long information technology will take to cut all the pieces listed higher up.

Is it possible?

You lot need to take into account the quantity of each size and fit it all in together for the near optimal issue.

See attached instance of possible layout.

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How-do-you-do there,

I have a spreadsheet with some cells setup with a driblet-down listing containing
Y, North or N/A

This is beingness used on a TabletPC simply if I make a error or demand to alter
back to a blank field I have to invoke the soft keyboard, activate the prison cell
and hit backspace and so shut the soft keyboard - quite a long-winded
procedure just to change an incorrect choice!

What I would like to exercise is add a blank to the listing then if I accept to revert
back to a blank I can just use the stylus to choose a blank from the chooser

How do I add together the option of inputting a blank from the Data Validation Listing
bearing in mind I am using the Data Validation Source box for entering my
choices directly and not specifying a range of cells?

I accept tried adding "" and fifty-fifty a space to no avail.

Although not a betting human being I would wager there is a unproblematic 'fix' for this
but things are merely simple if yous know how in the offset example! ;^)

Thank you & regards,

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How To Filter Listbox By Combobox Excel,


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