This tutorial shows how to draw a male person anime or manga style male face in 3/4 view with detailed step by pace cartoon examples.

Anime male face 3/4 view drawing step by step
Anime male face 3/iv view drawing step past step

It can be fairly challenging to brand a proper 3/4 view drawing of the head including heads and faces in the anime style.

To make things easier to sympathize this tutorial provides a very detailed breakup of the drawing process with sixteen steps in total.

If you are going to be following the tutorial using pencil and paper it's recommended that you starting time with light lines every bit yous will need to erase parts of the drawing in between some of the steps.

Step 1 – Draw the Top of the Head

Anime male head top 3/4 view drawing
Anime male person caput top three/4 view drawing

Begin by cartoon a circle to found the basic shape of the top of the head.

Now thinking of this circle as a transparent 3d sphere. Inside it draw what would be like to a slice through an apple at a particular angle. This will establish the center of the head and the direction it's facing in.

Step two – Draw the Face up Eye Line

Anime male head 3/4 view face center line drawing
Anime male person head three/4 view face middle line drawing

Erase the half of the oval that volition exist facing towards the back of the head (left side). From the forward facing part project a straight line that will represent the center of the confront. This line should be on a slight angle towards the back of the head. Information technology should besides accomplish down to at to the lowest degree the signal that will exist the bottom of the chin.

Once washed you should have a bones construction drawing to assistance yous create the residual of the head and face.

Step three – Depict the Bottom of the Head

Anime male head bottom 3/4 view drawing
Anime male head bottom 3/iv view drawing

Anime faces by and large tend to take very pocket-sized if not outright pointy chins. However to make the confront look a little more masculine in this case the chin volition be drawn slightly flat on the very terminate.

Step 4 – Draw the Neck

Anime male neck 3/4 view drawing
Anime male neck 3/4 view drawing

While the tutorial focuses on the face you lot will yet desire to add together the neck equally well as merely a tiny hint of the shoulders. Otherwise the cartoon will look odd.

Generally the necks tends to exist angled forward. This angle becomes slightly less obvious in 3/4 view so depict the neck titled but a tiny fleck towards the front of the confront.

For a piddling bit more on cartoon necks see:

How to Draw Anime Cervix & Shoulders

Step five – Draw the Ear

Anime male face 3/4 view ear drawing
Anime male face up 3/iv view ear drawing

Onto the caput add the ear (the other ane will be hidden behind the head). Make it about equally tall as 1/4 of the head with it'south superlative being at the horizontal halfway indicate of the caput.

Step 6 – Depict the Eyes

Anime male face 3/4 view eyes drawing
Anime male face 3/4 view eyes drawing

Describe a basic outline of the optics as in the example above. Positioned them with their tops lined up with the top of the ear (again beneath the horizontal halfway bespeak of the caput).

Draw the eye closer to the viewer significantly wider than the other. Also keep in listen that the eyes are slightly set in the head. To show this draw the center in the front much further from the center line of the confront than the eye in the back.

Do not add any of the smaller details yet as that volition be done in a after step.

For more on cartoon anime eyes in 3/4 view see:

  • How to Draw Anime Eyes From Different Angles

Step 7 – Draw the Eyebrows

Anime male face 3/4 view eyebrows drawing
Anime male face 3/four view eyebrows cartoon

A small distance to a higher place the optics add together the eyebrows. Again to brand the character a little more masculine describe the eyebrows thicker than y'all would run into on a typical female anime character.

You can draw them in wave like shapes with the inner ends pointed slightly down.

Similar to the eyes draw the eyebrow closer to the viewer (0n the left) wider and further from the center line of the head than the farther away one.

For more than eyebrow variations run into:

How to Draw Anime & Manga Eyebrows

Footstep viii – Describe the Nose

Anime male face 3/4 view nose drawing
Anime male face 3/4 view olfactory organ drawing

In this case the character will have a fairly well divers nose with merely a hint of one nostril. At the same time it will however be adequately simplified and somewhat pointy to retain the anime look.

Position the nose with information technology'southward bottom at the same level equally the bottom of the ears.

The span of the nose should transition into the surface area around the eyebrows. Yous can show just a hint of this on the farther side of the face with the line that defines the nose pointing towards the farther away eyebrow (right side).

Pace ix – Draw the Mouth

Anime male face 3/4 view mouth drawing
Anime male face three/iv view oral cavity drawing

Finally add the mouth with information technology's bottom lip positioned halfway betwixt the bottom of the nose and the bottom of the mentum.

You can define the bottom lip with just one modest bend and position the mouth itself simply slightly above it. Due to the oral cavity being curved and somewhat indented in the head you will want to describe well-nigh of information technology's shape to be on the forward side of the face (left side of the center line).

As this is a male mouth you tin draw information technology adequately large (wide) in comparing to a female one. To go far await a little more natural you can also add a small-scale break in the curve that defines information technology (this is adequately common in anime).

For more on drawing anime mouths see:

  • How to Draw Anime and Manga Mouth Expressions
  • How to Draw Anime & Manga Mouths – Side View

Stride 10 – Make clean up the Drawing

Anime male facial features 3/4 view drawing
Anime male facial features 3/iv view drawing

At this stage clean up your drawing past erasing all of the construction lines. Once washed you should have a uncomplicated outline of an anime fashion male person head and face without the hair or any of the smaller details of the optics/ears.

Step 11 – Draw the Front end Section of the Hair

Anime male face 3/4 view front hair drawing
Anime male face 3/four view front pilus drawing

To add the hair nosotros will utilize the drawing approach define in this tutorial:

How to Draw Anime Male Hair Step by Stride

To summarize information technology the hair will be split into the frontwards, sides and back sections shown in ruby-red green and blue.

The reason for this is to make the cartoon process easier to manage and understand instead of simply seeing things as one big clump of hair.

Begin by drawing the front department of the hair equally shown above.

In this case the character will take fairly natural looking somewhat messy pilus of medium length.

For hair like this depict information technology in fairly large clumps pointing in slightly different directions.

Stride 12 – Draw the Side Sections of the Hair

Anime male face 3/4 view sides hair drawing
Anime male confront 3/4 view sides pilus cartoon

Add the side sections shown above with simply a few clumps going down to nearly the lesser of the nose. Also go along in listen that the background role of the pilus will be partially hidden past the head.

Pace 13 – Draw the Dorsum Section of the Pilus

Anime male face 3/4 view hair drawing
Anime male face 3/four view hair drawing

Finally add the "back section" of the pilus with larger and more spread out clumps towards the top and smaller and more than grouped upward clumps at the very bottom.

Step fourteen – Draw the Small Details of the Facial Features

Anime male face 3/4 view line drawing
Anime male confront 3/4 view line drawing

At this stage erase the parts of the head hidden by the hair and add the inner details of the eyes and ears.

The areas that you will desire to define inside/around the eyes are:

  • The pupils – same or similar shape as the irises but smaller
  • The highlights (light reflecting from eyes) – in this case a large and a small-scale 1 in each heart
  • The darker/shaded superlative areas – upper halves of the irises
  • Eyelids – merely a hint with a pair of lines slightly above the eyes

For a step by step breakdown of the various parts of the eyes see:

How to Draw Male Anime & Manga Eyes

You tin can likewise add together the inner details of the ear as shown the example above.

For more on drawing ears see:

How to Depict Anime and Manga Ears

One time finished with this stage of the drawing you can darken your lines by tracing over them. However exit the lines defining the eye highlights and shadows light as you want those to alloy into the color/shading.

Step fifteen – Apply Color

Anime male face 3/4 view coloring
Anime male person face 3/4 view coloring

Once done with the line drawing yous tin can add some color.

If coloring on paper you lot may want to get out the highlights in the hair (shown in next step) white. As these can exist fairly random you practice not necessarily need to outline them earlier hand but you can if y'all detect it easier to do so.

Alternatively you can add together the highlights in over top of the hair with a white correction pen or white paints. If drawing digitally it's recommended that you add the highlights in over top of the color as well.

If you notice that the highlights look too vivid you can very lightly shade them with the same color as the pilus.

For more on cartoon hair highlights see:

Different Means to Draw Anime Hair Highlights

You may also notice that the upper parts of the eyes/irises are shaded darker than the rest of the eyes. This is of import considering the eyes can look odd without this (like the graphic symbol has a crazy stare). To avoid this shade in the eyes even if yous want a simpler drawing without the shading shown in the adjacent stride.

Pace sixteen – Add Shading to Cease the Drawing

Anime male face 3/4 view drawing
Anime male face 3/4 view cartoon

To finish the drawing you can add some more than basic shading to several areas of the face. As in many other tutorials here on AnimeOutline the shading volition exist done in a adequately generic mode. Significant that the shadows volition be added in places where they are likely to occur in common lighting conditions such every bit a well lit room or daytime outside.

For this type of shading add shadows in the post-obit places:

  • Bottom tips of the hair clumps
  • On the head (bandage by the hair and like in shape to the hair clumps)
  • Around the eyelids
  • Upper parts of the white of the eyes (cast past the eyelashes)
  • Inner parts of the ears
  • Below the nose
  • Upper part of the neck (cast by the head)

For more on shading hair meet:

How to Shade Anime Hair Step past Step

For shading faces in different types of lighting run into:

How to Shade an Anime Face in Different Lighting


Drawing a face up in 3/four view can be a challenge but yous can make the process more manageable by using a pace by step approach. Work from larger shapes downwardly to the smaller details and try and ostend that you did things correctly in ane step earlier moving on to the next. You can besides build your cartoon around simpler shapes and use structure lines equally guides to help you.

For  more than on good drawing practices come across:

Beginner Guide to Drawing Anime & Manga

For more than on cartoon male faces check:

How to Describe Male Anime Characters Step past Stride