List of villagers in New Leaf

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

The following is a list of villagers in Beast Crossing: New Foliage (including Welcome amiibo). The original New Foliage features 333 villagers in full (145 from Doubutsu no Mori, 11 from Animate being Crossing, 42 from Doubutsu no Mori e+, 17 from Wild World, 18 from City Folk, and 100 new ones).

The Welcome amiibo update features additional fifty villagers from original era games who did not appear in later games (34 from Doubutsu no Mori, 3 from Animal Crossing, and xiii from Doubutsu no Mori e+), equally well as 16 new villagers, who are based on characters from other video game franchises (including Felyne and Filly, who debuted in Happy Home Designer). At that place are 399 villagers in full in Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo.

Pichure Proper name Species Gender Personality Birthday Catchphrase
Admiral's Pic NL Texture.png Admiral This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Bird Male Cranky January 27 aye aye
Agent S's Pic NL Texture.png Agent S Squirrel Female Peppy July 2 sidekick
Agnes's Pic NL Texture.png Agnes This villager is new in this game Sus scrofa Female Big sis April 21 snuffle
Al's Pic NL Texture.png Al Gorilla Male person Lazy October 18 ayyyeee
Alfonso's Pic NL Texture.png Alfonso Alligator Male person Lazy June ix information technology'sa me
Alice's Pic NL Texture.png Alice Koala Female person Normal Baronial nineteen guvnor
Alli's Pic NL Texture.png Alli Alligator Female Snooty November 8 graaagh
Amelia's Pic NL Texture.png Amelia Eagle Female Snooty Nov xix cuz
Anabelle's Pic NL Texture.png Anabelle Anteater Female Peppy February xvi snorty
Anchovy's Pic NL Texture.png Anchovy Bird Male Lazy March iv chuurp
Angus's Pic NL Texture.png Angus Bull Male Cranky Apr thirty macmoo
Anicotti's Pic NL Texture.png Anicotti Mouse Female Peppy February 24 cannoli
Ankha's Pic NL Texture.png Ankha Cat Female Snooty September 22 me meow
Annalisa's Pic NL Texture.png Annalisa This villager is new in this game Anteater Female Normal February 6 gumdrop
Annalise's Pic NL Texture.png Annalise Horse Female Snooty December 2 nipper
Antonio's Pic NL Texture.png Antonio Anteater Male Jock October 20 honk
Apollo's Pic NL Texture.png Apollo Eagle Male person Cranky July iv pah
Apple's Pic NL Texture.png Apple This villager is new in this game Hamster Female Peppy September 24 cheekers
Astrid's Pic NL Texture.png Astrid Kangaroo Female person Snooty September 8 my pet
Aurora's Pic NL Texture.png Aurora Penguin Female Normal January 27 b-b-baby
Ava's Pic NL Texture.png Ava Chicken Female Normal Apr 28 beaker
Avery's Pic NL Texture.png Avery Eagle Male Cranky February 22 skree-haw
Axel's Pic NL Texture.png Axel Elephant Male person Jock March 23 WHONK
Baabara's Pic NL Texture.png Baabara Sheep Female Snooty March 28 daahling
Bam's Pic NL Texture.png Bam This villager is new in this game Deer Male Jock Nov vii boosh
Bangle's Pic NL Texture.png Bangle Tiger Female person Peppy August 27 growf
Barold's Pic NL Texture.png Barold This villager is new in this game Bear cub Male Lazy March ii cubby
Bea's Pic NL Texture.png Bea This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Dog Female Normal Oct fifteen bingo
Beardo's Pic NL Texture.png Beardo This villager is new in this game Bear Male Smug September 27 whiskers
Beau's Pic NL Texture.png Beau This villager is new in this game Deer Male Lazy April 5 saltlick
Becky's Pic NL Texture.png Becky Craven Female Snooty December 9 chicklet
Bella's Pic NL Texture.png Bella Mouse Female Peppy December 28 eeks
Benedict's Pic NL Texture.png Benedict Chicken Male person Lazy October x uh-hoo
Benjamin's Pic NL Texture.png Benjamin This villager is new in this game Dog Male Lazy August 3 alrighty
Bertha's Pic NL Texture.png Bertha Hippo Female Normal April 25 bloop
Bettina's Pic NL Texture.png Bettina Mouse Female person Normal June 12 eekers
Bianca's Pic NL Texture.png Bianca This villager is new in this game Tiger Female Peppy December 13 glimmer
Biff's Pic NL Texture.png Biff Hippo Male Jock March 29 squirt
Big Top's Pic NL Texture.png Big Top Elephant Male Lazy October 3 villain
Bill's Pic NL Texture.png Nib Duck Male Jock February 1 quacko
Billy's Pic NL Texture.png Baton This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Goat Male person Jock March 25 dagnaabit
Biskit's Pic NL Texture.png Biskit Dog Male Lazy May xiii dawg
Bitty's Pic NL Texture.png Bitty This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Hippo Female Snooty Oct 6 my dear
Blaire's Pic NL Texture.png Blaire Squirrel Female Snooty July 3 nutlet
Blanche's Pic NL Texture.png Blanche This villager is new in this game Ostrich Female person Snooty December 21 quite then
Bluebear's Pic NL Texture.png Bluebear Bear cub Female Peppy June 24 peach
Bob's Pic NL Texture.png Bob True cat Male Lazy Jan i pthhpth
Bonbon's Pic NL Texture.png Bonbon This villager is new in this game Rabbit Female Peppy March three deelish
Bones's Pic NL Texture.png Basic Dog Male Lazy Baronial 4 yip yip
Boomer's Pic NL Texture.png Boomer Penguin Male Lazy February vii man
Boone's Pic NL Texture.png Boone Gorilla Male Jock September 12 baboom
Boots's Pic NL Texture.png Boots This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Alligator Male person Jock August 7 munchie
Boris's Pic NL Texture.png Boris This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Hog Male Cranky Nov 6 schnort
Boyd's Pic NL Texture.png Boyd This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Gorilla Male Cranky October i uh-oh
Bree's Pic NL Texture.png Bree Mouse Female person Snooty July seven cheeseball
Broccolo's Pic NL Texture.png Broccolo Mouse Male person Lazy June 30 eat information technology
Broffina's Pic NL Texture.png Broffina This villager is new in this game Craven Female person Snooty October 24 cluckadoo
Bruce's Pic NL Texture.png Bruce This villager is new in this game Deer Male Cranky May 26 gruff
Bubbles's Pic NL Texture.png Bubbling Hippo Female Peppy September 18 hipster
Buck's Pic NL Texture.png Cadet Horse Male person Jock April 4 pardner
Bud's Pic NL Texture.png Bud Lion Male Jock August eight maaan
Bunnie's Pic NL Texture.png Bunnie Rabbit Female person Peppy May 9 tee-hee
Butch's Pic NL Texture.png Butch Dog Male Cranky November ane ROOOOOWF
Buzz's Pic NL Texture.png Fizz This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Eagle Male Cranky December vii captain
Cally's Pic NL Texture.png Cally Squirrel Female person Normal September 4 WHEE
Camofrog's Pic NL Texture.png Camofrog Frog Male person Cranky June 5 10-hut
Canberra's Pic NL Texture.png Canberra This villager is new in this game Koala Female Big sister May fourteen nuh uh
Candi's Pic NL Texture.png Candi This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Mouse Female person Peppy April 13 sweetie
Carmen's Pic NL Texture.png Carmen Rabbit Female Peppy January 6 nougat
Caroline's Pic NL Texture.png Caroline Squirrel Female person Normal July 15 hulaaaa
Carrie's Pic NL Texture.png Carrie This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Kangaroo Female Normal December 5 niggling 1
Cashmere's Pic NL Texture.png Cashmere This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Sheep Female person Snooty April 2 baaaby
Cece's Pic NL Texture.png Cece This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Squirrel Female Peppy May 28 stay fresh
Celia's Pic NL Texture.png Celia This villager is new in this game Eagle Female Normal March 25 feathers
Cesar's Pic NL Texture.png Cesar Gorilla Male person Cranky September 6 highness
Chadder's Pic NL Texture.png Chadder This villager is new in this game Mouse Male person Smug December 15 fromage
Chai's Pic NL Texture.png Chai This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Elephant Female Peppy March vi flap flap
Charlise's Pic NL Texture.png Charlise Deport Female Big sister April 17 urgh
Chelsea's Pic NL Texture.png Chelsea This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Deer Female Normal January 18 pound cake
Cheri's Pic NL Texture.png Cheri Deport cub Female person Peppy March 17 tralala
Cherry's Pic NL Texture.png Red This villager is new in this game Canis familiaris Female person Big sister May 11 what what
Chester's Pic NL Texture.png Chester Deport cub Male Lazy Baronial half dozen rookie
Chevre's Pic NL Texture.png Chevre Caprine animal Female Normal March vi la baa
Chief's Pic NL Texture.png Chief Wolf Male Cranky Dec 19 harrumph
Chops's Pic NL Texture.png Chops This villager is new in this game Sus scrofa Male Smug October thirteen zoink
Chow's Pic NL Texture.png Chow Conduct Male person Cranky July 22 aiya
Chrissy's Pic NL Texture.png Chrissy Rabbit Female Peppy August 28 sparkles
Claude's Pic NL Texture.png Claude This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Rabbit Male Lazy Dec 3 hopalong
Claudia's Pic NL Texture.png Claudia This villager is new in this game Tiger Female person Snooty Nov 22 ooh la la
Clay's Pic NL Texture.png Clay This villager is new in this game Hamster Male Lazy October 19 thump
Cleo's Pic NL Texture.png Cleo This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Horse Female Snooty Feb ix sugar
Clyde's Pic NL Texture.png Clyde Equus caballus Male Lazy May 1 prune clawp
Coach's Pic NL Texture.png Omnibus This villager is new in this game Bull Male Jock April 29 stubble
Cobb's Pic NL Texture.png Cobb Hog Male Jock October 7 hot dog
Coco's Pic NL Texture.png Coco Rabbit Female person Normal March i doyoing
Cole's Pic NL Texture.png Cole This villager is new in this game Rabbit Male Lazy August x duuude
Colton's Pic NL Texture.png Colton This villager is new in this game Equus caballus Male Smug May 22 check it
Cookie's Pic NL Texture.png Cookie Dog Female Peppy June 18 arfer
Cousteau's Pic NL Texture.png Cousteau Frog Male Jock December 17 oui oui
Cranston's Pic NL Texture.png Cranston This villager is new in this game Ostrich Male person Lazy September 23 sweatband
Croque's Pic NL Texture.png Croque This villager is new in this game Frog Male person Cranky July 18 equally if
Cube's Pic NL Texture.png Cube Penguin Male Lazy Jan 29 d-d-dude
Curlos's Pic NL Texture.png Curlos Sheep Male Smug May 8 shearly
Curly's Pic NL Texture.png Curly Pig Male person Jock July 26 nyoink
Curt's Pic NL Texture.png Curt Bear Male person Cranky July i fuzzball
Cyrano's Pic NL Texture.png Cyrano Anteater Male Cranky March nine ah-CHOO
Daisy's Pic NL Texture.png Daisy Dog Female Normal November 16 bow-WOW
Deena's Pic NL Texture.png Deena Duck Female Normal June 27 woowoo
Deirdre's Pic NL Texture.png Deirdre This villager is new in this game Deer Female Big sister May 4 whatevs
Del's Pic NL Texture.png Del Alligator Male Cranky May 27 gronk
Deli's Pic NL Texture.png Deli This villager is new in this game Monkey Male Lazy May 24 monch
Derwin's Pic NL Texture.png Derwin Duck Male Lazy May 25 derrrr
Diana's Pic NL Texture.png Diana This villager is new in this game Deer Female person Snooty January 4 no doy
Diva's Pic NL Texture.png Diva This villager is new in this game Frog Female Big sister October two ya know
Dizzy's Pic NL Texture.png Dizzy Elephant Male Lazy July 14 woo-oo
Dobie's Pic NL Texture.png Dobie This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Wolf Male Cranky February 17 ohmmm
Doc's Pic NL Texture.png Md Rabbit Male Lazy March sixteen old bunny
Dora's Pic NL Texture.png Dora Mouse Female Normal February eighteen squeaky
Dotty's Pic NL Texture.png Amorous Rabbit Female Peppy March 14 wee i
Drago's Pic NL Texture.png Drago This villager is new in this game Alligator Male Lazy February 12 burrrn
Drake's Pic NL Texture.png Drake Duck Male Lazy June 25 quacko
Drift's Pic NL Texture.png Drift Frog Male person Jock Oct 9 brah
Ed's Pic NL Texture.png Ed Equus caballus Male person Smug September 16 greenhorn
Egbert's Pic NL Texture.png Egbert Craven Male Lazy Oct 14 putter-duh
Elise's Pic NL Texture.png Elise Monkey Female Snooty March 21 puh-lease
Ellie's Pic NL Texture.png Ellie This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Elephant Female person Normal May 12 li'l ane
Elmer's Pic NL Texture.png Elmer Horse Male person Lazy October 5 tenderfoot
Eloise's Pic NL Texture.png Eloise Elephant Female Snooty December 8 tooooot
Elvis's Pic NL Texture.png Elvis Lion Male Cranky July 23 unh-hunh
Epona's Pic NL Texture.png Epona This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Horse Female person Peppy November 21 neigh
Erik's Pic NL Texture.png Erik This villager is new in this game Deer Male person Lazy July 27 chow down
Étoile's Pic NL Texture.png Étoile This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Sheep Female person Normal December 25 fuzzy
Eugene's Pic NL Texture.png Eugene This villager is new in this game Koala Male Smug October 26 yeah buddy
Eunice's Pic NL Texture.png Eunice Sheep Female Normal April iii lambchop
Fang's Pic NL Texture.png Fang Wolf Male Cranky Dec 18 cha-chomp
Fauna's Pic NL Texture.png Fauna This villager is new in this game Deer Female Normal March 26 dearie
Felicity's Pic NL Texture.png Felicity True cat Female Peppy March 30 mimimi
Felyne's Pic NL Texture.png Felyne This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Cat Male person Lazy January half-dozen nya
Filbert's Pic NL Texture.png Filbert Squirrel Male person Lazy June three bucko
Flip's Pic NL Texture.png Flip This villager is new in this game Monkey Male Jock November 21 rerack
Flo's Pic NL Texture.png Flo This villager is new in this game Penguin Female Big sister September 2 cha
Flora's Pic NL Texture.png Flora This villager is new in this game Ostrich Female Peppy February 9 pinky
Flurry's Pic NL Texture.png Flurry This villager is new in this game Hamster Female Normal January 30 powderpuff
Francine's Pic NL Texture.png Francine Rabbit Female Snooty January 22 karat
Frank's Pic NL Texture.png Frank Eagle Male Cranky July 30 crushy
Freckles's Pic NL Texture.png Freckles Duck Female Peppy February 19 ducky
Freya's Pic NL Texture.png Freya Wolf Female Snooty Dec 14 uff da
Friga's Pic NL Texture.png Friga Penguin Female Snooty October xvi brrrmph
Frita's Pic NL Texture.png Frita This villager is new in this game Sheep Female person Big sister July 16 oh ewe
Frobert's Pic NL Texture.png Frobert Frog Male Jock February 8 fribbit
Fuchsia's Pic NL Texture.png Fuchsia This villager is new in this game Deer Female person Large sister September 19 girlfriend
Gabi's Pic NL Texture.png Gabi Rabbit Female Peppy Dec 16 honeybun
Gala's Pic NL Texture.png Gala Pig Female Normal March five snortie
Ganon's Pic NL Texture.png Ganon This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Pig Male Cranky Feb 21 heh heh
Gaston's Pic NL Texture.png Gaston Rabbit Male person Cranky October 28 mon chou
Gayle's Pic NL Texture.png Gayle This villager is new in this game Alligator Female Normal May 17 snacky
Genji's Pic NL Texture.png Genji Rabbit Male Jock January 21 otaku
Gigi's Pic NL Texture.png Gigi Frog Female Snooty August 11 ribbette
Gladys's Pic NL Texture.png Gladys Ostrich Female Normal January 15 stretch
Gloria's Pic NL Texture.png Gloria Duck Female person Snooty August 12 quacker
Goldie's Pic NL Texture.png Goldie Dog Female Normal December 27 woof
Gonzo's Pic NL Texture.png Gonzo This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Koala Male Cranky October 13 mate
Goose's Pic NL Texture.png Goose Chicken Male Jock October 4 buh-kay
Graham's Pic NL Texture.png Graham This villager is new in this game Hamster Male Smug June 20 indeed
Greta's Pic NL Texture.png Greta This villager is new in this game Mouse Female Snooty September 5 yelp
Grizzly's Pic NL Texture.png Grizzly Carry Male Cranky July 31 grrr
Groucho's Pic NL Texture.png Groucho Bear Male Cranky October 23 grumble
Gruff's Pic NL Texture.png Gruff Goat Male person Cranky August 29 bleh eh eh
Gwen's Pic NL Texture.png Gwen Penguin Female person Snooty January 23 h-h-h-hon
Hamlet's Pic NL Texture.png Village This villager is new in this game Hamster Male Jock May 30 hammie
Hamphrey's Pic NL Texture.png Hamphrey This villager is new in this game Hamster Male Cranky February 25 snort
Hans's Pic NL Texture.png Hans This villager is new in this game Gorilla Male Smug December v groovy
Harry's Pic NL Texture.png Harry Hippo Male Cranky Jan 7 beach bum
Hazel's Pic NL Texture.png Hazel This villager is new in this game Squirrel Female Big sis August 30 uni-wow
Henry's Pic NL Texture.png Henry This villager is new in this game Frog Male Smug September 21 snoozit
Hippeux's Pic NL Texture.png Hippeux This villager is new in this game Hippo Male person Smug October xv natch
Hopkins's Pic NL Texture.png Hopkins This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Rabbit Male Lazy March 11 thumper
Hopper's Pic NL Texture.png Hopper Penguin Male person Cranky April 6 slushie
Hornsby's Pic NL Texture.png Hornsby This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Rhinoceros Male Lazy March 20 schnozzle
Huck's Pic NL Texture.png Huck This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Frog Male Smug July 9 hopper
Hugh's Pic NL Texture.png Hugh Pig Male Lazy December 30 snortle
Iggly's Pic NL Texture.png Iggly Penguin Male Jock Nov 2 waddler
Ike's Pic NL Texture.png Ike This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Bear Male person Cranky May xvi roadie
Inkwell's Pic NL Texture.png Inkwell This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Octopus Male Jock June 2 splat
Jacob's Pic NL Texture.png Jacob This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Bird Male Lazy August 24 ya feel
Jacques's Pic NL Texture.png Jacques This villager is new in this game Bird Male Smug June 22 zut alors
Jambette's Pic NL Texture.png Jambette Frog Female person Normal October 27 croak-kay
Jay's Pic NL Texture.png Jay Bird Male Jock July 17 heeeeeyy
Jeremiah's Pic NL Texture.png Jeremiah Frog Male Lazy July 8 nee-deep
Jitters's Pic NL Texture.png Jitters Bird Male Jock Feb 2 bzzert
Joey's Pic NL Texture.png Joey Duck Male person Lazy Jan 3 bleeeeeck
Julia's Pic NL Texture.png Julia This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Ostrich Female person Snooty July 31 dahling
Julian's Pic NL Texture.png Julian This villager is new in this game Horse Male Smug March 15 glitter
June's Pic NL Texture.png June This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Bear cub Female Normal May 21 rainbow
Kabuki's Pic NL Texture.png Kabuki True cat Male person Cranky Nov 29 meooo-OH
Katt's Pic NL Texture.png Katt This villager is new in this game Cat Female Big sis April 27 purrty
Keaton's Pic NL Texture.png Keaton This villager is new in this game Eagle Male Smug June 1 wingo
Ken's Pic NL Texture.png Ken This villager is new in this game Chicken Male Smug Dec 23 no doubt
Ketchup's Pic NL Texture.png Ketchup This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Duck Female person Peppy July 27 fragmentary
Kevin's Pic NL Texture.png Kevin This villager is new in this game Pig Male Jock April 26 weeweewee
Kid Cat's Pic NL Texture.png Kid Cat True cat Male person Jock August 1 psst
Kidd's Pic NL Texture.png Kidd Goat Male person Smug June 28 wut
Kiki's Pic NL Texture.png Kiki Cat Female Normal October 8 kitty true cat
Kitt's Pic NL Texture.png Kitt Kangaroo Female Normal October 11 child
Kitty's Pic NL Texture.png Kitty Cat Female Snooty February 15 mrowrr
Klaus's Pic NL Texture.png Klaus This villager is new in this game Bear Male person Smug March 31 strudel
Knox's Pic NL Texture.png Knox Chicken Male Cranky November 23 cluckling
Kody's Pic NL Texture.png Kody Behave cub Male person Jock September 28 grah grah
Kyle's Pic NL Texture.png Kyle This villager is new in this game Wolf Male Smug December 6 blastoff
Leonardo's Pic NL Texture.png Leonardo Tiger Male person Jock May 15 flexin'
Leopold's Pic NL Texture.png Leopold This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo King of beasts Male Smug Baronial fourteen panthera leo cub
Lily's Pic NL Texture.png Lily Frog Female Normal February 4 zzrrbbit
Limberg's Pic NL Texture.png Limberg Mouse Male Cranky Oct 17 squinky
Lionel's Pic NL Texture.png Lionel This villager is new in this game Lion Male Smug July 29 precisely
Lobo's Pic NL Texture.png Lobo Wolf Male Cranky November 5 ah-rooooo
Lolly's Pic NL Texture.png Lolly True cat Female Normal March 27 bonbon
Lopez's Pic NL Texture.png Lopez This villager is new in this game Deer Male Smug Baronial 20 buckaroo
Louie's Pic NL Texture.png Louie This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Gorilla Male person Jock March 26 odelay
Lucha's Pic NL Texture.png Lucha This villager is new in this game Bird Male Smug Dec 12 cacaw
Lucky's Pic NL Texture.png Lucky Dog Male Lazy November four rrr-owch
Lucy's Pic NL Texture.png Lucy Squealer Female Normal June ii snoooink
Lyman's Pic NL Texture.png Lyman This villager is new in this game Koala Male person Jock October 12 fries
Mac's Pic NL Texture.png Mac Dog Male person Jock Nov 11 woo woof
Maddie's Pic NL Texture.png Maddie This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Dog Female Peppy Jan 11 yippee
Maelle's Pic NL Texture.png Maelle Duck Female Snooty Apr eight duckling
Maggie's Pic NL Texture.png Maggie This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Pig Female Normal September 3 schep
Mallary's Pic NL Texture.png Mallary Duck Female Snooty November 17 quackpth
Maple's Pic NL Texture.png Maple Bear cub Female Normal June 15 honey
Marcel's Pic NL Texture.png Marcel Dog Male Lazy December 31 not
Marcie's Pic NL Texture.png Marcie This villager is new in this game Kangaroo Female Normal May 31 pouches
Margie's Pic NL Texture.png Margie Elephant Female Normal January 28 tootie
Marina's Pic NL Texture.png Marina Octopus Female person Normal June 26 blurp
Marshal's Pic NL Texture.png Marshal This villager is new in this game Squirrel Male person Smug September 29 sulky
Marty's Pic NL Texture.png Marty This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Bear cub Male Lazy April 16 pompom
Mathilda's Pic NL Texture.png Mathilda Kangaroo Female person Snooty Nov 12 wee infant
Medli's Pic NL Texture.png Medli This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Bird Female Normal December 13 gimme
Melba's Pic NL Texture.png Melba Koala Female Normal April 12 toasty
Merengue's Pic NL Texture.png Merengue This villager is new in this game Rhinoceros Female person Normal March 19 shortcake
Merry's Pic NL Texture.png Merry Cat Female Peppy June 29 mweee
Midge's Pic NL Texture.png Midge Bird Female Normal March 12 tweedledee
Mint's Pic NL Texture.png Mint Squirrel Female Snooty May two ahhhhhh
Mira's Pic NL Texture.png Mira This villager is new in this game Rabbit Female Large sister July half dozen cottontail
Miranda's Pic NL Texture.png Miranda Duck Female Snooty Apr 23 quackulous
Mitzi's Pic NL Texture.png Mitzi Cat Female Normal September 25 mew
Moe's Pic NL Texture.png Moe True cat Male person Lazy Jan 12 myawn
Molly's Pic NL Texture.png Molly This villager is new in this game Duck Female Normal March 7 quackidee
Monique's Pic NL Texture.png Monique Cat Female Snooty September 30 pffffft
Monty's Pic NL Texture.png Monty Monkey Male Cranky December 7 g'tang
Moose's Pic NL Texture.png Moose Mouse Male person Jock September xiii shorty
Mott's Pic NL Texture.png Mott Lion Male Jock July x cagey
Muffy's Pic NL Texture.png Muffy This villager is new in this game Sheep Female Big sis February 14 nightshade
Murphy's Pic NL Texture.png Murphy This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Bear cub Male Cranky Dec 29 laddie
Nan's Pic NL Texture.png Nan Caprine animal Female person Normal August 24 kid
Nana's Pic NL Texture.png Nana Monkey Female person Normal Baronial 23 po po
Naomi's Pic NL Texture.png Naomi This villager is new in this game Cow Female person Snooty February 28 moolah
Nate's Pic NL Texture.png Nate Comport Male person Lazy August xvi yawwwn
Nibbles's Pic NL Texture.png Nibbles Squirrel Female Peppy July 19 niblet
Norma's Pic NL Texture.png Norma This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Cow Female person Normal September xx hoof hoo
O'Hare's Pic NL Texture.png O'Hare Rabbit Male Smug July 24 amigo
Octavian's Pic NL Texture.png Octavian Octopus Male Cranky September twenty sucker
Olaf's Pic NL Texture.png Olaf This villager is new in this game Anteater Male Smug May 19 whiffa
Olive's Pic NL Texture.png Olive This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Bear cub Female Normal July 12 sweet pea
Olivia's Pic NL Texture.png Olivia Cat Female Snooty February 3 purrr
Opal's Pic NL Texture.png Opal Elephant Female Snooty January 20 snoot
Ozzie's Pic NL Texture.png Ozzie Koala Male Lazy May 7 ol' behave
Pancetti's Pic NL Texture.png Pancetti This villager is new in this game Pig Female Snooty November 14 sooey
Pango's Pic NL Texture.png Pango Anteater Female Peppy November 9 snooooof
Paolo's Pic NL Texture.png Paolo This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Elephant Male person Lazy May five pal
Papi's Pic NL Texture.png Papi This villager is new in this game Horse Male Lazy January 10 haaay
Pashmina's Pic NL Texture.png Pashmina This villager is new in this game Caprine animal Female Big sis December 26 kidders
Pate's Pic NL Texture.png Pate Duck Female Peppy February 23 quackle
Patty's Pic NL Texture.png Patty Cow Female person Peppy May 10 how-now
Paula's Pic NL Texture.png Paula Acquit Female person Big sister March 22 yodelay
Peaches's Pic NL Texture.png Peaches Horse Female Normal November 28 neighbor
Peanut's Pic NL Texture.png Peanut Squirrel Female person Peppy June viii slacker
Pecan's Pic NL Texture.png Pecan Squirrel Female Snooty September ten chipmunk
Peck's Pic NL Texture.png Peck This villager is new in this game Bird Male Jock July 25 crunch
Peewee's Pic NL Texture.png Peewee Gorilla Male person Cranky September 11 li'l dude
Peggy's Pic NL Texture.png Peggy Pig Female Peppy May 23 shweetie
Pekoe's Pic NL Texture.png Pekoe Bear cub Female person Normal May eighteen bud
Penelope's Pic NL Texture.png Penelope This villager is new in this game Mouse Female Peppy February 5 oh bow
Phil's Pic NL Texture.png Phil This villager is new in this game Ostrich Male person Smug Nov 27 hurk
Phoebe's Pic NL Texture.png Phoebe This villager is new in this game Ostrich Female Big sister April 22 sparky
Pierce's Pic NL Texture.png Pierce Eagle Male Jock January eight hawkeye
Pietro's Pic NL Texture.png Pietro This villager is new in this game Sheep Male person Smug April nineteen honk honk
Pinky's Pic NL Texture.png Pinky Bear Female Peppy September 9 wah
Piper's Pic NL Texture.png Piper This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Bird Female Peppy April 18 chickadee
Pippy's Pic NL Texture.png Pippy Rabbit Female person Peppy June 14 li'50 hare
Plucky's Pic NL Texture.png Plucky This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Chicken Female Big sister October 12 chicky-poo
Pompom's Pic NL Texture.png Pompom Duck Female person Peppy February xi rah rah
Poncho's Pic NL Texture.png Poncho Carry cub Male Jock January ii li'l acquit
Poppy's Pic NL Texture.png Poppy Squirrel Female Normal August five nutty
Portia's Pic NL Texture.png Portia Dog Female Snooty October 25 ruffian
Prince's Pic NL Texture.png Prince Frog Male person Lazy July 21 burrup
Puck's Pic NL Texture.png Puck Penguin Male person Lazy February 21 brrrrrrrrr
Puddles's Pic NL Texture.png Puddles Frog Female person Peppy Jan xiii splish
Pudge's Pic NL Texture.png Pudge Deport cub Male Lazy June 11 butterball
Punchy's Pic NL Texture.png Punchy Cat Male Lazy April 11 mrmpht
Purrl's Pic NL Texture.png Purrl Cat Female person Snooty May 29 kitten
Queenie's Pic NL Texture.png Queenie Ostrich Female Snooty November 13 chicken
Quillson's Pic NL Texture.png Quillson This villager is new in this game Duck Male person Smug Dec 22 ridukulous
Raddle's Pic NL Texture.png Raddle This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Frog Male Lazy June six aaach—
Rasher's Pic NL Texture.png Rasher Grunter Male Cranky April 7 swine
Renée's Pic NL Texture.png Renée This villager is new in this game Rhinoceros Female Big sister May 28 yo yo yo
Rex's Pic NL Texture.png Rex This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Panthera leo Male Lazy July 24 cool cat
Rhonda's Pic NL Texture.png Rhonda Rhinoceros Female Normal January 24 bigfoot
Ribbot's Pic NL Texture.png Ribbot Frog Male person Jock Feb 13 toady
Ricky's Pic NL Texture.png Ricky Squirrel Male person Cranky September 14 nutcase
Rilla's Pic NL Texture.png Rilla This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Gorilla Female Peppy November 1 hello
Rizzo's Pic NL Texture.png Rizzo Mouse Male Cranky Jan 17 squee
Roald's Pic NL Texture.png Roald Penguin Male Jock January 5 b-b-buddy
Robin's Pic NL Texture.png Robin Bird Female person Snooty December 4 la-di-da
Rocco's Pic NL Texture.png Rocco Hippo Male Cranky August xviii hippie
Rocket's Pic NL Texture.png Rocket This villager is new in this game Gorilla Female Big sis April 14 vroom
Rod's Pic NL Texture.png Rod Mouse Male Jock August xiv ace
Rodeo's Pic NL Texture.png Rodeo Bull Male Lazy October 29 chaps
Rodney's Pic NL Texture.png Rodney This villager is new in this game Hamster Male Smug November ten le ham
Rolf's Pic NL Texture.png Rolf Tiger Male person Cranky August 22 grrrolf
Rooney's Pic NL Texture.png Rooney This villager is new in this game Kangaroo Male person Cranky December 1 punches
Rory's Pic NL Texture.png Rory This villager is new in this game Panthera leo Male person Jock August 7 capital letter
Roscoe's Pic NL Texture.png Roscoe Horse Male person Cranky June 16 nay
Rosie's Pic NL Texture.png Rosie True cat Female Peppy February 27 silly
Rowan's Pic NL Texture.png Rowan Tiger Male person Jock August 26 mango
Ruby's Pic NL Texture.png Ruby Rabbit Female person Peppy Dec 25 li'fifty ears
Rudy's Pic NL Texture.png Rudy This villager is new in this game True cat Male Jock December 20 mush
Sally's Pic NL Texture.png Sally Squirrel Female Normal June xix nutmeg
Samson's Pic NL Texture.png Samson Mouse Male person Jock July 5 pipsqueak
Sandy's Pic NL Texture.png Sandy This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Ostrich Female Normal October 21 speedy
Savannah's Pic NL Texture.png Savannah Horse Female Normal January 25 y'all
Scoot's Pic NL Texture.png Scoot Duck Male Jock June thirteen zip zoom
Shari's Pic NL Texture.png Shari This villager is new in this game Monkey Female Large sister April 10 cheeky
Sheldon's Pic NL Texture.png Sheldon This villager is new in this game Squirrel Male Jock February 26 cardio
Shep's Pic NL Texture.png Shep This villager is new in this game Dog Male Smug Nov 24 baaa man
Simon's Pic NL Texture.png Simon Monkey Male Lazy January 19 zzzook
Skye's Pic NL Texture.png Skye This villager is new in this game Wolf Female Normal March 24 airmail
Sly's Pic NL Texture.png Sly This villager is new in this game Alligator Male person Jock Nov 15 hoo-rah
Snake's Pic NL Texture.png Snake Rabbit Male Jock November three bunyip
Snooty's Pic NL Texture.png Snooty This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Anteater Female Snooty October 24 sniffff
Soleil's Pic NL Texture.png Soleil This villager is new in this game Hamster Female Snooty August 9 tarnation
Sparro's Pic NL Texture.png Sparro This villager is new in this game Bird Male Jock Nov 20 like whoa
Spike's Pic NL Texture.png Fasten This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Rhinoceros Male Cranky June 17 punk
Spork's Pic NL Texture.png Spork Squealer Male Lazy September three snork
Sprinkles's Pic NL Texture.png Sprinkle This villager is new in this game Penguin Female person Peppy February 20 frappe
Sprocket's Pic NL Texture.png Sprocket This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Ostrich Male Jock December one zort
Static's Pic NL Texture.png Static Squirrel Male Cranky July 9 krzzt
Stella's Pic NL Texture.png Stella This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Sheep Female Normal April 9 baa-dabing
Sterling's Pic NL Texture.png Sterling Eagle Male Jock December 11 skraaaaw
Stinky's Pic NL Texture.png Stinky True cat Male Jock Baronial 17 GAAHHH
Stitches's Pic NL Texture.png Stitches Bear cub Male Lazy February 10 stuffin'
Stu's Pic NL Texture.png Stu This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Bull Male Lazy April 20 moo-dude
Sydney's Pic NL Texture.png Sydney Koala Female Normal June 21 sunshine
Sylvana's Pic NL Texture.png Sylvana This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Squirrel Female Normal October 22 hubbub
Sylvia's Pic NL Texture.png Sylvia Kangaroo Female Big sister May 3 joey
T-Bone's Pic NL Texture.png T-Bone Bull Male Cranky May twenty moocher
Tabby's Pic NL Texture.png Tabby True cat Female Peppy Baronial thirteen me-WOW
Tad's Pic NL Texture.png Tad This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Frog Male person Jock August three sluuuurp
Tammi's Pic NL Texture.png Tammi Monkey Female person Peppy April 2 chimpy
Tammy's Pic NL Texture.png Tammy This villager is new in this game Behave cub Female person Big sister June 23 ya heard
Tangy's Pic NL Texture.png Tangy Cat Female Peppy June 17 reeeeOWR
Tank's Pic NL Texture.png Tank Rhinoceros Male Jock May six kerPOW
Tasha's Pic NL Texture.png Tasha This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Squirrel Female Snooty Nov xxx nice nice
Teddy's Pic NL Texture.png Teddy Bear Male Jock September 26 grooof
Tex's Pic NL Texture.png Tex This villager is new in this game Penguin Male Smug October half-dozen picante
Tia's Pic NL Texture.png Tia This villager is new in this game Elephant Female Normal November 18 teacup
Tiffany's Pic NL Texture.png Tiffany Rabbit Female Snooty January 9 bunbun
Timbra's Pic NL Texture.png Timbra This villager is new in this game Sheep Female Snooty October 21 pine nut
Tipper's Pic NL Texture.png Tipper Moo-cow Female Snooty August 25 pushy
Toby's Pic NL Texture.png Toby This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Rabbit Male person Smug July 10 ribbit
Tom's Pic NL Texture.png Tom Cat Male Cranky Dec x me-YOWZA
Truffles's Pic NL Texture.png Truffles Pig Female Peppy July 28 snoutie
Tucker's Pic NL Texture.png Tucker This villager is new in this game Elephant Male Lazy September 7 fuzzers
Tutu's Pic NL Texture.png Tutu Bear Female person Peppy September 15 twinkles
Twiggy's Pic NL Texture.png Twiggy Bird Female Peppy July thirteen cheepers
Tybalt's Pic NL Texture.png Tybalt This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Tiger Male Jock August 19 grrrRAH
Ursala's Pic NL Texture.png Ursala This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Bear Female person Big sister January xvi grooomph
Velma's Pic NL Texture.png Velma Goat Female Snooty January xiv blih
Vesta's Pic NL Texture.png Vesta Sheep Female person Normal April 16 baaaffo
Vic's Pic NL Texture.png Vic This villager is new in this game Balderdash Male person Cranky December 29 cud
Viché's Pic NL Texture.png Viché This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Squirrel Female Normal July 7 splatastic
Victoria's Pic NL Texture.png Victoria Horse Female Peppy July 11 carbohydrate cube
Violet's Pic NL Texture.png Violet Gorilla Female person Snooty September 1 sweetie
Vivian's Pic NL Texture.png Vivian This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Wolf Female Snooty January 26 piffle
Vladimir's Pic NL Texture.png Vladimir Bear cub Male Cranky August 2 nyet
Wolf Link's Pic NL Texture.png Due west. Link This villager is new in this game This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Wolf Male Smug Dec two ruff ruff
Wade's Pic NL Texture.png Wade This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Penguin Male person Lazy Oct thirty and so it goes
Walker's Pic NL Texture.png Walker Dog Male person Lazy June ten wuh
Walt's Pic NL Texture.png Walt This villager is new in this game Kangaroo Male Cranky April 24 pockets
Wart Jr.'s Pic NL Texture.png Wart Jr. Frog Male Cranky August 21 grr-ribbit
Weber's Pic NL Texture.png Weber This villager appears in Welcome amiibo and can be only invited via amiibo Duck Male Lazy June xxx quaa
Wendy's Pic NL Texture.png Wendy Sheep Female Peppy August 15 lambkins
Whitney's Pic NL Texture.png Whitney Wolf Female Snooty September 17 snappy
Willow's Pic NL Texture.png Willow Sheep Female Snooty November 26 bo peep
Winnie's Pic NL Texture.png Winnie Horse Female Peppy January 31 hay-OK
Wolfgang's Pic NL Texture.png Wolfgang Wolf Male Cranky Nov 25 snarrrl
Yuka's Pic NL Texture.png Yuka Koala Female person Snooty July 20 tsk tsk
Zell's Pic NL Texture.png Zell This villager is new in this game Deer Male Smug June 7 pronk
Zucker's Pic NL Texture.png Zucker This villager is new in this game Octopus Male person Lazy March viii bloop

See as well [edit]

  • Listing of villager houses in New Leafage

Notes [edit]