
Does Adobe Animate Work On Surface Pro X

Hello, ChickenHawk407!

Thanks for reaching Microsoft Community. We are sorry for the troubles you accept to go through with installing apps on the Surface Pro X, nigh particularly that your son received it as a gift from you lot. This is not the experience nosotros desire you to have. We understand that you wish to have those regular apps to be installed on your Surface Pro Ten.

I believe you already went to this page in our support site for the Windows x ARM-based PCs FAQ.

As for your standard family unit software, I am afraid y'all won't be able to install some third-party antivirus software on a Windows x ARM-based PC. However, Windows Security will help keep you safety for the supported lifetime of your Windows 10 device.

Kindly check this page to see almost the process on how to run theProgram Compatibility Troubleshooter on ARM.

We hope to have helped you out in a way.



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Also, Information technology appears that the standard Microsoft Family controls only dont work with this Surface Pro X.  I currently utilise these controls on iv different systems and i accept read all of the FAQ and aid articles and take not been able to get anything to piece of work.  The family time limits, time tracking, app blocking, all seem to not work with the ARM chipset.  Is that also a known issue?  Thanks!

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Hi there, ChickenHawk407!

Thanks for the response and providing some other interesting topic about the Microsoft Family unit Controls. Can yous provide the Windows version and OS Build for this? This is in instance we will provide this to our team.

Nigh the Microsoft Family controls, I believe y'all already configured the needed settings at theMicrosoft Family unit page. The settings will be practical to the Microsoft Account that is used to sign into the device. In your case, it should exist your son's Microsoft Account that is signed into the Surface Pro X. His account is ready as a kid profile under your own business relationship that is assigned as the parent account.

Are these the pages you lot've visited?

  • Fix app and game limits beyond your kids' devices
  • Gear up screen fourth dimension limits non working

Allow us know if those pages helped.



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Thanks Again Janette.

I have looked over those pages many times :).  I accept verified his account on the surface pro x system, he is logged in and sees his app store for instance.  The pro X organisation does not runway his screen time or use whatsoever time limits for his account.  He is still using his older laptop occasionally and I am getting the weekly utilization reports and his screen limits are enforced on the older system  So I know his business relationship is ready properly and works, it's just not working at all on the Surface Pro X.  Wondering if this is a known consequence with the ARM processor.

He is running Version 1903, Build 18362.535

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Just a idea on the OpenToonz.... since it's open source in theory somebody in the community could re-compile it for ARM64. Or maybe the developer might be willing to do that; might be worth contacting them and ask. Only I did look at the system requirements for both programs you listed and the 64bit requirement is definitely what's preventing it from installing and running. I'm non familiar with animation software, just if you lot can notice 1 that will run on 32bit x86 systems it should run on the Pro X (it'll at least install anyway). 64bit emulation is not currently available (I've heard it'south coming, only no thought when).

You might be in a situation that the Surface Pro 7 might be the amend pick vs the Pro X, as much every bit I similar the X...

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Thanks for the follow-upward, ChickenHawk407.

Nosotros are truly deplorable most this.  Ideally, the Microsoft Family settings configured on your son's business relationship should office in the Surface Pro Ten. Did you try out another child profile and come across if the aforementioned thing happens? Just for testing purposes, that style, we could have this checked further.

Is there a Windows Update needed on the device during this fourth dimension?

Looking frontwards for your response.



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Blitheness Desk-bound ( ) is highly recommended in the Store and is compatible plus it has pen support. You didn't clarify what level your son'southward needs are from a skill level.

Pixel Studio does some level of animation as well -

I know it is fiddling condolement, merely they accept been pretty upfront nigh ARM devices -

BTW - I'chiliad using the Surface Pro Ten as my daily driver.


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